Mount Pleasant Area Viking Foundation

Our Mission
The mission of the Mount Pleasant Area Viking Foundation is to enrich and enhance the educational experience in the Mount Pleasant Area School District as well as develop our relationships with alumni, business owners, and local corporations for supporting new visions and concepts for future Viking generations.
Our Vision
The vision of the Mount Pleasant Area Viking Foundation is to advocate, promote, and fund initiatives to provide opportunities creating exemplary experiences for students and staff of the Mount Pleasant Area School District.
Who We Are
Mount Pleasant Area Viking Foundation is a broad-based community organization that was founded in 2018. The Foundation is governed by a Board of Trustees that represents a diverse group of alumni, community officials, and business leaders who are dedicated to supporting excellence in education. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization – in partnership with the partnership with the Community Foundation of Westmoreland County (CFWC).
Contact Us
Mount Pleasant Area Viking Foundation
271 State Street
Mount Pleasant, Pennsylvania 15666
Contact Information:
Edward Christofano, R.Ph.
MPASD Foundation President
Facebook: TBD
Twitter: TBD