School nursing in the United States has existed for decades for the purpose of supporting the educational mission of schools by preventing, removing, and/or reducing barriers to student learning. School nurses work daily to promote a healthy, safe, and nurturing environment to our students in the Mt. Pleasant Area School District. The presence of a Certified School Nurse(RN, CSN) or a Registered Nurse(RN) in each MPASD building assures parents that their child’s health needs for either preventive or primary care will be addressed appropriately during the school day. School nursing interventions improve student health and impact academic achievement and success. The school nurse is committed to keeping students at school, in the classroom and ready to learn.
All student health information is kept confidential. Teachers are informed of a student’s medical conditions when necessary for your child’s care and health. Please be sure to complete and sign the Emergency Information Card that is sent home at the beginning of every school with all requested information. This gives the Nurse a brief overview of your child’s health needs. Please update your phone number and contact information whenever changes are made by either contacting the school secretary and/or school nurse. It is imperative that someone be able to be contacted in the event of an emergency.
If your child is seen in the nurse office for complaints of “illness”, but does not have a fever, we have them rest for 10-15 minutes, and encourage use of the bathroom. Then they are sent back to class unless there is no relief of their symptoms. Parents are not routinely notified each time their child is seen in the office. If they return due to their symptoms persisting, we may call the parent, if the RN feels it is necessary, and it will be at your discretion if you would like your child to come home. Your child will be sent home if presenting with fever greater than 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit, active vomiting, or experiencing frequent diarrhea. To prevent the spread of communicable disease, we ask that you please not send your child to school if he/she exhibits signs or symptoms of illness; rash, eye inflammation, persistent abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, sore throat or a fever >100.0 degrees. Your child must be 24 hours symptom free without the assistance of Motrin, Tylenol or other medications before returning to school.
Parent notification may also be done, upon RN discretion, in case of an injury to a child that may be displaying an abrasion, bruising or swelling. All injuries are treated per nursing assessment. We will also attempt to notify all parents of student who sustain substantial “bumps” to their head. An initial neurological assessment will be performed by the nurse.
Regulations and guidelines regarding Medication use in school as well as the medical and parental consent forms can be found under the “Medication Policy” tab on my website. If your child requires an “as needed” medication during the school day, the school nurse will notify you if the time the dose was given will interfere with a dose upon arrival at home. Likewise, if you would medicate your child in the morning prior to school please notify the school nurse so the next time a dose can be given, if needed, can be determined.
Information regarding required school screenings and immunizations, dental and physical exams, Lice, educational programs offered by the nurse, or any school health related forms can be found under tabs on my website.
Thank you for you time to read this letter. Any way we can help in optimizing your child’s health at school is our goal. Please contact your nurse any time you have with questions or concerns.