Frequently Asked Questions
What do I do if my child misses the school bus?
The District recognizes that occasionally students miss the school bus. If this occurs, it is the parent's responsibility to take the child to school. This is also considered an "unexcused tardy" to school.
What happens if the school bus does not arrive?
If the school bus does not show up at your child's bus stop, please call your child's building and call DMJ. Between the school and DMJ information may be shared regarding why the bus did not pick up your child as well as a possible remedy for that day. When a student is late or misses school because of this situation, the late arrival or absence will be considered excused.
What do I do if our address changes?
Please notify your child's school building immediately. MPASD and DMJ share information related to student enrollment on an ongoing basis. Once the District is notified, DMJ will also be informed. The change in transportation often occurs immediately but it may take a business day to affect the change.
How do I get information on school cancelations and delays?
"Robo calls," the school district website (School District Website) and local news stations are the best means to inform families of delays, cancellations, and early dismissals. Please be sure your contact information is up to date so you are promptly informed.
Is my child permitted to ride another bus home?
In general, your child's bus is his/her assigned bus and riding different buses home is discouraged. In the event there is an extenuating circumstance that requires your child to ride a different bus home after school, you must inform your child's school. The building principal will review the request and inform DMJ of the temporary rider change.
Can my child's bus stop be moved?
Bus stop locations are established each year according to enrollment and "ridership." The stops are selected based on the most efficient routes possible also accounting for safe locations to pick up and drop off students. Unfortunately, DMJ and MPASD do not consider personalized stops in front of everyone's home. This is not a reasonable solution for getting students to school on time. If you have a concern about the safety of a school bus stop, you can alert DMJ and the District's Director of Transportation. You will be directed to complete a Bus Stop Change Request Form located under the Bus Stop Information tab.