Bus Conduct and Expectations
A safe and orderly commute to and from home is essential for students, bus drivers, and other commuters. Student conduct while on a school bus falls under the same student code of conduct as when students are physically in the school buildings. MPASD operates on a "portal-to-portal" philosophy which means the District has the authority to impose student discipline from the time a student leaves home for school and until that student returns home after school.
Students and parents alike need to understand that although transportation is provided for each student, riding a school bus is a privilege that can be taken away temporarily or long-term for conduct related issues. To assure safe travels and to remain in "good rider" status, students are to abide by the following:
- Only ride your assigned bus to and from school;
- When speaking, use an "inside voice" and don't yell;
- Remain seated in your seat during the entire ride and only stand up when the bus has stopped at your assigned bus stop;
- Keep your hands, feet and personal items to yourself;
- Follow direction given to you by the bus driver.
Driving a school bus can be a stressful job especially during bad weather and when student excitement is high. It is also important to note that the school bus driver is the responsible adult on the bus. His or her authority is very similar to that of a classroom teacher. Drivers are permitted to assign seats at their discretion. Students must abide by the requests of the bus driver especially when attempting to maintain a safe and orderly environment. While bus drivers do not assign disciplinary consequences beyond assigning seats if necessary, they do have the ability to recommend corrective action which will be considered by school district administrators. The best situation occurs when mutual respect can be shown between students and bus drivers.